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Stand Strong Plus 

What is Stand Strong Plus?

Stand Strong Plus is a service where we carry out a specific battery of individual physical ability assessments that Fit For Life have researched and developed prior to joining one of our Stand Strong classes to ensure that you get the most out of your classes. 

When we have completed this assessments we will generate a specific individual 12-week programme for you based on your results targeting areas to give you the most benefits. 


When you sign up for Stand Strong Plus you will receive:

  • A full physical ability assessment - Strength, Endurance, Balance, Flexibility (approximately 1 hr).

  • A health screening to ascertain exactly what type of physical activities would be appropriate and safe for you. 

  • Access to 'in person' and/or 'Live' online Stand Strong classes with people of similar abilities.

  • Individual Physical Activity plans specific to you.

  • Regular education information on health topic related to older adults.

  • Regular Individual reassessments to monitor your progress and change your programme appropriately.


Our team are also more than happy to answer any of your questions on a one-to-one basis or refer you to another member of our healthcare team.

To book stand strong plus please phone 01-2137915 or click on the button below!

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